There are several political issues that candidates argue
about around election time. Abortion, gay rights, gun control, death penalties;
the list goes on. One issue I believe stands above the rest is equality. At the
end of the day it can be said that most people want to be treated equally.
Whether it is women’s rights, lgtb rights or people’s rights we all deserve to
be treated with fairness and equality. The issue with equality is for some
reason it seems we have a difficult time giving it to others. Are women treated
as equals in society? Are people of the LGTB community really equal? Do people
of all races and colors have equal rights? If we look at the facts The
institute for women’s policy research says that women still only make 78 cents
for every dollar a man makes. Although there are laws being passed to create
equality for the LGTB community it’s accurate that not every state has committed
to making sure all peoples of the LGTB community have equal rights. Finally the
good ole’ saying “all men are created equally.” If this was held true then our
country never would have had to pass laws to make sure people knew it was
serious. If it was held true then we wouldn’t still have issues involving
racism today. Equality is one of the most important issues because it is an
American core value which drives our country.
Equality means that every person has a fair chance in this
country, everyone gets the same rights and opportunities. Without equality it
can be argued that many negative things could happen. Without equality there is
bound to be oppression. If there is no equality or if there is oppression then
we are going against our Declaration of Independence. The issue however is how
do we create equality, what laws must be passed in order to make all people
equal? I think that may be the wrong way to go about it. Regardless of what
seemingly airtight laws we create people will still treat others unfairly. I don’t
know if we can force people to treat each other the right way. I think that we
as a people need to come to a mutual understanding and respect for each other
in order to have real equality. There needs to be environments where tolerance is
taught, respect is taught, maybe even love. Fredrick Douglass said, “where ignorance
prevails and any one class is made to feel that society is an organized
conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will
be safe.” If knowledge kills ignorance and getting rid of ignorance is the
start to equality then maybe education is where the real push for equality
should start. Above all else we need equality first before we worry about any
other issue.
Do you mean LGBT (as opposed to LGTB). That acronym shift might confuse some readers. My question to you now is, how do we achieve "equality" across the board here, from gender to ethnicity, religion, and sexuality? I'm very glad that you point out that it's still an issue. But where do we go from here?