Wednesday, March 23, 2016

What is truly important.

The U.S. Constitution established America’s national government, fundamental laws, and guaranteed certain basic rights for its citizens. It was signed on September 17, 1787 and ever since it has been the government's job to make public policies for an entire society. Because of this the government is seen as the steering mechanism for a given society. It forms the policies that keep a particular society heading in the right direction. It is then our job to vote for a leader. When voting there are many things to consider. One question that always comes to mind is, "Is this person saying the truth". It's the politician's job to say all the right things. Sometimes a politician will say anything just to make the voters happy. As a voter it's important that you vote for someone that you truly believe will help this country. It's the voter's responsibility to cut through all the nonsense and get to their real stand on the topic at hand. After reading all this you might ask yourself, "so what issue is important to me as a voter". The answer will always vary but one issue I believe everyone can agree on is to have candidates up for election that will actually help America.
This 2016 election can be the most important election of our lifetime. It seems like a cruel and sick joke to say that someone like Donald Trump could become our next president but this joke seems to be getting closer and closer to becoming true. We are allowing things like this to slide by too easily, the joke is over and it's time to put an end to it. When we think of a leader we think of someone who will put in effort to fix our nation's most important problems. According to Google's most searched for policy issues the top five most important issues are; immigration, same-sex marrage, education, gun control, and taxes. However, In recent polling by Gallup, American adults election-related focus differed a bit from what was actually expected. Immigration was still among the most important issues for voters ahead of 2016 but the economy and "the way government operates in Washington" led the results instead.
And when Americans were asked an open-ended question about the most important problem facing the U.S, the results came in showing that dissatisfaction with government led, followed by the economy.
It is dangerous that dissatisfaction with the government is seen as one of the biggest problems facing the United States. There are bigger problems to focus on in America rather than having to worrying about how the government is ran. If we are so worried about how the government is ran maybe it's time to stop voting for the wrong people. People as evil and clueless as Donald Trump shouldn't even be thought of as a serous candidate for presidency. When you go out to vote make sure the candidate you are voting for has a plan to solve your top issues and has the best intentions for the United States. This 2016 election is a big one, please don't let this man ruin our country.

1 comment:

  1. I like the variety of research here. And it seems that the dissatisfaction with government is probably, in part, spurred by one's political affiliation and news/media activity than anything else. Ask those same people how they feel about their Medicare? Love it. Roads? Love it. Taxes? Get rid of them all! It's all so illogical, and that's what I think people like Trump love to here. He really is the anti-candidate.
