Thursday, March 24, 2016

For the Love of Learning

An issue that has been long overdue and should be accomplished, hopefully in the near future, is the education system in America. Since a child, my parents have always told me to go to school, to receive an education, to graduate, and to always try my hardest no matter what. Education has always been important to them and myself, but they definitely did their hardest to let me know that.

The issue with the education system nowadays is that nothing is genuine anymore. Teachers "teach" and lecture, but do not actually teach to the point where it sticks with the students or make them want to learn the material. The amount of times I've had classes where my teacher would just hand out a sheet of paper (sometimes), spit a few notes here and there, and automatically give a test the next class or so, it's ridiculous! For both high school and my entrance into college. How do they expect for the students to learn if they're not really teaching and giving the students time to learn? If they're getting paid to teach, why not do it right?

It's understandable that teachers and professors have a specific structure and regulations to follow, and their hopes is to maintain that structure to finish the course. The issue with that is that students might get neglected with their works because more importance is being shined on finishing the material and less so on absorbing the materials. How much damage would really be done to a student if they weren't able to finish Chapter 12 for a math class, yet they know the equations and how to solve problems for Chapter 1-11 because they had time and motivation to learn.

Also, the education system is nothing but tests and quizzes and whether you passed or not; not whether you truly learned. 

Although tests and quizzes are formed to see where a student's knowledge is at, not all of them are made fairly. There are students out there that may know the material, but are just horrible at taking a test. A student's future should not depend on a simple letter grade. By doing that, it adds so much stress onto that student, sometimes to the point they drop out! Nowadays, students absorb the letter grade than the actual material itself. Students would prefer to memorize the material for a test, in hopes of receiving a good grade. Typically, they forget that information once it's over. That defeats the purpose of receiving an education.

As a voter and just a human being in this education system, I want the education that I'm paying and attending for, which I'm sure others may agree (or disagree) on. If learning wasn't so focused on a letter grade, a test, and had the proper instructors to help students learn, then there wouldn't be an issue at all. Who knows, there would probably be more people in school and even better jobs at that. Which would better the economy.

Something that voters can do is talk to the schools and get more involved to actually make this change. There are so many students from all sorts of age groups who have tremendous difficulties with the education system and how it's ran. By getting involved and trying to make that change, students will finally be able to learn the way they're supposed to and intake the information that's given to them.

Hopefully this is something that can get repaired quick because receiving an education is something awesome to accomplish, but it's devastating if its not being provided properly. 


  1. The education system is definitely a huge deal! I agree that it is a very important issue that voters should be concerned about. One thing that seems to be on a lot of people's minds is Common Core. I'm not an educator, nor am I familiar with the style of educations. Many people seem to be rejecting it just because it's not how they learned, but what people need to consider is is it overall good or bad for students? I'm interested to see what will happen over the next few years in regards to education.

  2. I totally agree! We are just taught to memorize what is on the next test and right after the test it is like the brain deletes the information. Only in a very few classes have I actually learned something that I still remember. Most of the time( I am sure I am not the only one) when parents ask "what did you learn today"? I reply with " I don't know" or "oh, something about some president". What we do in school is basically copy and paste. This should definitely change.

  3. This is a wonderful post, the education system is foolishness, why is it so important to know about subjects that do not pertain to a person's career choice. Its absolutely ridiculous and a lot of classes that sometimes are just fillers that waste students time and money.

  4. I absolutely agree, it seems like we as students are told to just memorize the work and lectures and than our memorization is put to the test. The whole concept of quizzes and tests are just ridiculous if you think about it.
