Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Whose lead is it anyway?

Is it primary season  and it seems that every morning the T.V. flashes up some sort of nominee rankings. For the most part theses rankings have shown Trump and Clinton leading the race. However as primary season carries on “lead” has become a word we may not want to use. According to the website Real Clear Politics as well as some other new sources Trump and Clinton are still technically winning, but not by much. It seems that Cruz and Sanders are trying to catch up.

 One of the most recent primary polls (Wisconsin) had Cruz and Sanders coming out on top and closing the gap between the “leaders” and second place. While Trump is still ahead of Cruz by nearly ten percent the gap is slowly closing.  Sanders and Clinton are now nearly neck and neck separated by only five percent. These stand out leaders are not so stand out anymore.

 What this means is that if you’re not a Trump supporter then there is still hope. Trump needs to win a majority of the required delegates to get the nomination and if he continues his pace there’s a decent chance he will not get that nomination.  What this also means is that although it’s arguable that Clinton still has some serious power behind her, sanders may take her lead. The next primary meeting is in Colorado on April ninth. Continued attention to who wins will give us a better idea of who may be running our country soon.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a good start. I wonder--can you expand the discussion toward some quotes from Real Clear Politics? And see if other news sites disagree? Then you can work your way to analysis here--so what all this chatter really means.
