When one takes time to examine the way the presidential
election has been progressing thus far, something truly remarkable quickly
becomes apparent. Namely, the fact that Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders appears to be extremely
popular with young voters. Twitter hashtags such as “#FeelTheBern," "#BirdieSanders," and (my personal favorite) “#BernDownForWhat” abound all across the Internet, and statistics show that
in several areas he is the favored candidate among younger voters.
One particularly notable example in a survey
from the New York Times shows that in Iowa’s
Democratic entrance polls, Sanders was able to win the majority of votes
from those between the ages of 17 and 29 by a staggering 84%. In the same polls, Sanders also held the support of
58% of voters between the ages of 30 and 44.
(via The New York Times)
Many might consider this odd, given the fact that at the
ripe age of 74 years old, Sanders is the oldest candidate currently running for president. But while the entirety of young Sanders supporters obviously cannot
be spoken for here, just two of the most prominently apparent reasons for his
popularity among today’s youth are his goals for this country and his own personal convictions.
It's no secret that most people love the word "free," especially if said people also happen to be college students. In multiple instances (such as the one shown in the video below), Sanders has vocally supported the idea of making all public colleges in America tuition-free. When taking into consideration the fact that a college degree is practically a requirement for getting a decent job these days, and that said degree is also liable to send one straight into tens of thousands of dollars' worth of debt, the idea of going to college for free seems like a dream come true.
There has been a great deal of debate about whether or not the solution Sanders presents would actually, realistically work or not. Again, while the entirety of Sanders' supporters cannot be spoken for, I know that my own personal support has almost nothing to do with whether it's "realistic" or not. It has to do with the fact that somebody in a position of power and leadership is willing to fight against one of the biggest problems plaguing America's youth today. A person who bears conviction like that in the name of securing a better future for this generation (and for all the generations to come) is bound to instill hope and enthusiasm among young voters.
(via YouTube)
Although jibes are constantly being made about politicians lying or putting on a mask just to gain voter support, and about Sanders in particular avoiding important topics such as the Black Lives Matter movement, the fact remains that he has actually been fighting tooth and nail on the front lines of activism and equality for decades. One of the most notable instances of this is the fact that in 1963, young Bernie Sanders was arrested for "resisting arrest" after participating in a protest against segregation laws set in place by Chicago public schools. Over the course of this election season, a photo from the archives of the Chicago Tribune showing Sanders being arrested at the event has surfaced, and quickly gone viral.

Just recently, CNN also released a video examining and discussing the incident at length, and showing what many believe is a video of the exact moment of his arrest. Although formatting issues prevent the video from being directly imbedded, it can be found here.
There are many more examples that come to mind as to why exactly Sanders has been receiving so much support and praise from young voters throughout this election season, which range from his vocal belief in the equality of all mankind, to a willingness to stop and take "selfies" with enthusiastic supporters. To this writer, however, the reasons listed above are among the most prominent behind the overwhelmingly positive and enthusiastic reception that he has received from college students and young adults, in particular.
The primary campaign slogan for Sanders' campaign is "A Future to Believe In." To a generation facing (among countless other issues) crippling student debt, a shoddy economy, and mindless, murderous bigotry coming even from those who are sworn to protect the people of this nation, it can be difficult to believe in a better and brighter future for all of us. But when somebody in such a significant position of leadership not only validates these struggles, but openly promises to do all he can to remedy them if he should be elected, it makes believing a whole lot easier. That is why I personally choose to support Bernie Sanders, and why I think many others choose to as well. To a generation that has been taught time and time again to give up hope in the future, he serves as a reminder that change is possible, and that it is never too late to fight for it.
(via azquotes)

What a thorough and compelling post! You hooked the reader by bringing up the correlation between Sanders supporters and age and you supported it with empirical evidence. You used pathos as we learn more about Sanders personal convictions. I really identify with your statement about how you are not necessarily concerned with the viability of the free education however, you appreciate the idea in theory. The fact that Sanders considers an issue that plagues the lives of young people to be a big one, says a lot. Senator Sanders should use your post to rally more support from millennials.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great lens of focus here: what are Bernie's main issues, and how has he represented himself on the issues over the length of his activism and career? Your discussion here is measured and thoughtful. This is persuasive writing through and through. Wow.