What's huge about this report is that it includes names of those in charge of countries, such as the President of Argentina, the king of Saudia Arabia, Vladmir Putin, and much more. With this news breaking out, trust between the citizens and governments may be a little shaky. With trillions of tax dollars not being paid, one could only think how greedy these people must be to go behind the backs of their own people and cheat their own government. I expect there to be huge protests globally regarding the corruption that has been exposed. In fact, mass protests in Iceland have already begun, which lead to the Prime Minister's resignation.

When skimming through a list of countries involved in the controversy, I was surprised to see that the USA wasn't involved. Maybe the report does have some Americans involved, or maybe there weren't any. Either way, it's interesting to see that politicians from our country are safe... for now. I believe that there are some Americans involved, but not anyone well known or important. After watching Wolf of Wall Street, I think it's safe to say that foreign banks don't want to deal with American customers due to the constant surveillance by the government. Also, it is not illegal to hold money in off-shore banks. What gets people in trouble is avoiding taxes, for example, with said money. Either way, this news will spring forward a plethora of investigations and financial monitoring. I fully expect to hear more about who was involved in the next few months.
I can only imagine what types of comments the candidates will say. Trump will most likely have some interesting insight, with him being a wealthy businessman. What will be VERY interesting is to see how Bernie and Hillary will play this out. Clinton helped push the Panama Free Trade deal, while Sanders heavily opposed it. This could shake-up the Democratic race. Sanders needed this boost, and with more primaries coming up, he could very well start gaining ground on Clinton. It's just a matter of whether Bernie goes on the attack and calls her out on it. Either way, the Panama Papers will be another topic for the candidates to chime in on. I say this is a perfect opportunity for Sanders to have his " I told you so!" moment.

I find it interesting that you say Trump will have some interesting insight. Has he had thoughtful commentary on banking matters during this election? Perhaps hyperlink to one of those sources? And does the final bit of content on Bernie and Hillary match the rest of the post? It feels like you're shifting content focus here to their infighting.