Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Donald Trump Ad Hominem

An Ad Hominem is what describes Donald Trump. His biggest weakness right now is his ego. This is Trump’s specialty. He revels in it. He dares people to attack him, because it gives him a chance to fire back. Plus, he thinks that turns on the base and that his poll numbers will climb even higher. Which surprisingly, its quiet working... Or is it?

This Video shows how trump just completely goes off topic and rather tries to get Jeb out the way

Let’s look at some of his insults so far. He whined about the questions he got at the debate and then called Megyn Kelly a bimbo. He’s called George Will, Charles Krauthammer and Erick Erickson losers. He called Hugh Hewett a second rate radio host because Hewett asked him a difficult question on foreign policy.

He calls Jeb Bush low energy. He then said Ben Carson makes Jeb Bush look like the energizer bunny. He basically called Rick Perry dumb by saying he puts on glasses so people will think he’s smart. Like honestly, he takes the presidential debates as a roast session and that is what is making people love this guy.

We don’t want a president who can’t take criticism, or who feels he has to call people names. We don’t want a president who has no sense of humility. We want a confident president, yes, but not one who is a narcissist and who thinks he can do no wrong. We’ve had that for the last six and a half years and it is getting annoying but shoot don't think Trump cares.

1 comment:

  1. Is an "ad hominem" a metaphor in this case? I wonder about that. I mean, Trump certainly uses them quite a bit, but can someone actually become a logical fallacy?
    Can you fold in some sources to bolster your analysis? Quotes would help show not just what Trump said, but in what tone he said it. Layer with the video!
