Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Politics and Opinions

Politics is always a touchy subject to discuss. People are quick to get into debates and argue because they believe their own opinions are correct. This is why people tend to stay away from the subject all together. Topics such as same sex marriage or gun laws are huge controversies in America. Nowadays, if you’re against it, society will eat you alive. Suddenly everyone forgets that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and you don’t always have to convince others that one side is right or judge others for believing one thing.

Celebrities, presidential candidates, or anyone that the people look up to, have to really watch they say regarding certain topics. This is why they tend to stay away from it all together. Fear of being criticized, shunned, and hated is instilled, therefore most people don’t give their opinions anymore.

Especially now with the presidential elections coming up, politics are all people talk about. All I hear is “Sanders is right, Clinton is right, Trump is right, etc.” They might be right to some people, but completely wrong to others. All that matters is who you think is the most viable candidate to lead our country is and all you have to do is vote. There is no need for violence at rallies; if others do not agree with you and your opinion, let them be. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

There is actually a page on the web called Political Opinion and Analysis. On this page people are able to comment and discuss their opinions based on the subject at hand. People are going back and forth trying to disprove one another. In a way, this is great because it reveals that people feel strongly towards a specific matter for example, 

Scott Diguglielmo · 
How is this deal ," isolating America". China, the EU, the UK, Russia, France ,& the U.S. Are in agreement on this deal. That is called unity. Isolation is what we had in 2007&2008- when there were no countries left in the coalition of the willing in Iraq.
LikeReply3Aug 28, 2015 8:02am
Phadras Johns · 
Wow. Real dipst**k aren't you?
LikeReply2Aug 28, 2015 8:47am
Scott Diguglielmo · 
Phalic johns- if you can read, what I stated is true. We're the words to big for you to understand? Obviously, you are not an American. What part is inaccurate, sorry , wrong, with what I said? Please use facts ,not conjecture. ( made up stuff)
LikeReply1Aug 28, 2015 8:59am
Michael Brennan · 
The point Samantha is trying to make in the column is that if Congress votes down the deal, no matter the reason, America looks bad. No Administration (not even the Clinton Kyoto dance) ever negotiated a deal that, if rejected under Constitutional procedures (setting aside the argument whether this is a "treaty"), would actually put the country is a worse position than before negotiations started. In the words of Eduoard Deladier, "Les cons!"
LikeReply3Aug 28, 2015 10:56am

They are discussing on the topic "Congress, Don't Isolate America Over Iran." This is also not great because people who do not even know each other start to insult and disrespect one another.

There are ways to express opinions, it is a matter of how their expressed is the problem.


  1. I do agree that everyone is entitled to their own opinions but I don’t think that staying away from the subject all together is the right thing to do. Yes anything having to do with politics is a touchy subject but you have a voice for a reason. If you don’t say how you truly feel your voice will never be heard. If we don’t speak up someone like Donald Trump can slip through and become president. I’m not saying go be violent and be a disturbance, but it is important to go to these rallies and listen to what is being said.

  2. I also agree that everyone is entitled to their own opinions but I feel as if it's a phrase to end arguments, prevent yelling, and provide a middle ground for those who just can't agree. This is why I believe many support Donald Trump, he says things people want to say but are afraid to do so.

  3. This is a very interesting post. Of course people have a variety of opinions, but not all opinions are informed opinions, and what some people state as fact are, in fact, bias based on a variety of factors. I wonder--can you infuse this post with some specifics on a particular issue that you take issue with (no pun intended) so that you can explore political capital from the candidates themselves? Then the readers, of course, will make up their minds based on the evidence.
