Wednesday, February 10, 2016

What places do I like to visit on the web?

Hello, everyone!
When I first get up in the morning, I usually log onto my VCCS student account and check in with Blackboard, my student email, and the Student Information System to see if there is any new information I should be aware of. If I feel inclined, I generally like to work on school assignments early in the morning because it gets me into a productive state of mind for the day. While doing this, I like to listen to instrumental music on YouTube (an extended version of the Life Is Strange title theme is my particular favorite - you can find it here) because it helps me focus and ignore any distractions.

After a while, I like to take a break to browse through my personal email and my social media accounts – Facebook, Tumblr, and the like. Sometimes if I'm in the mood for a laugh, I'll return to YouTube and watch some Let's Play videos (I'm particularly fond of Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, and the Game Grumps). Of all the places I visit online, YouTube definitely takes up the most time, though Tumblr comes at a close second. I particularly like to find funny things on there to spam my mother's Facebook inbox with.

Generally, I'll repeat this process several times throughout the day, in between other responsibilities - check in with my VCCS Applications, do some work on assignments, take a peek at social media, and then watch a video or two. It might seem a bit boring to do the same thing again and again, day in and day out, but it makes me happy. And really, isn't that all that matters?


  1. Now this is a detail-filled post. What kind of information do you find on SIS? I'm totally with you--I do all my work in the morning, and I just cannot get motivated in the evenings. It's harder with a 5-year-old (who is complaining that I'm not playing with her), but we all just do our best, right?
    Fantastic post!

  2. Thank you very much! I mainly check in with the SIS to keep an eye on my financial aid status, and to see if there are any tasks or messages I need to see to, but I also find it really useful when planning what classes I'd like to take in upcoming semesters. Because of the information I was able to get from it (especially where it relates to class hours), I've pretty much decided that any classes I take over the summer semester are going to be entirely online. It's been very helpful so far!
