Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Where Do I Go On The Web

The first place I go when I open up safari on my laptop is MyMathLab. MyMathLab is a online website ran by Pearson that allows you to do homework and other assignments for college courses. The reason that MyMathLab is my first choice when I go on the web is because my Calculus 173 course takes up most of my free time. I constantly need to be finishing homework assignments just to move on to the next. I have weekly quizzes I need to prepare for so I spend hours studying with an online textbook, which is also on MyMathLab. Even when I'm not doing math work I still use MyMathLab for other subjects. I have interactive modules do on a regular basis for my Biology 102 course. If I'm ever spotted using my laptop chances are I'm on MyMathLab. -Giovanni Flores


  1. It warms my little academic heart when I read that the first place you go is a scholarly website. You know, I didn't know MyMathLab had a biology component!

  2. MyMathLab has also taken over my life. I'm on that site more than any other. Most of my days consist of completing modules and making sure I keep up with the speed of the class. What I like the most about it is the fact that it has a tool to walk you through a problem step by step. Hopefully the workload won't be heavy this semester. Unlike you I’m only using it for my Calculus class. I didn’t know that Biology was also offered on MyMathLab. Good luck with both of those courses and make sure you stay on top of your work!
