Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Where I go on the Web

If I'm ever on the web, the first place I check is my Blackboard. Blackboard has become a hourly routine to check throughout these past two semesters. I can find out when assignments are due, intrsructions on how to do them, as well as the grade received on them. Blackboard is a very important tool I use that keeps me in check with my classes and schedule. Even if I know for sure what is due, I still check Blackboard just in case the professor made any announcements regarding an assignment or class meeting. By logging on to Blackboard first, it elimates any chances of me forgetting what/when an assignment or project is due.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds that you're another of the bloggers here that uses the web first and foremost for academic purposes. Seriously, that is wonderful to hear. Hopefully you sneak in some personal interest, too?
