Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Where do I go on the web?

Generally the very first place I go to on the web is Facebook. I open up my google chrome and there it is on a little tab. I choose to go to Facebook first because it is entertaining to see some of the things others post, as well as nice to see whats currently going on with friends and family. It's also because I like to have something fun to look at before getting down to the serious work, like math. I go to Mylabsplus to work on my math for as long as I can. Once done, I go back to Facebook. If my brain isn't fried right after math, I go to Blackboard and check what I need to do for English 112. As much time I should spend on the web for homework, I like to go to Youtube and listen to music. I tell myself I will listen to music and write or do math homework at the same time, but that never works out as planned for I get distracted by the music. Occasionally I'll go to google with the spare time I have and look up EMT prep test. I don't really do much else on the web other than that.

1 comment:

  1. You are not alone with starting off your Internet forays through social media. For me, it's a great way to stay in touch with family and close friends. We rarely pick up the phone and actually call one another anymore, and I think it's changed our relationships. I wonder--for the better? I'm also addicted to my YouTube channels--I have one for when I do administrative work and one that I have for workouts.
