Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Where do I go on the web?

The first place I go on the web is my school email. I check that email at least every hour to make sure I did not miss any important announcements from my professors or the school. As a college student ( who is trying to pass all classes) This email is life. After checking the email ten times, I go and see what is new on my social media. This needs to be done at least a few times a day, so, I know what is going on in the world and with my friends. After checking social media, I usually do homework, therefore a lot of googling, or I get caught up on all ten million of my favorite shows.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's great that your first Internet stop is your academic email (it's a wonderful habit--don't stop that). You check ten times? How about hopping over to Blackboard and seeing the Announcements there? That might assuage your concerns about catching everything?
    It sounds like you start off seriously and then your work jumps around a bit. That sounds a lot like my Internet use, too!
