Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Where do I go on the web?

Hello class! Looks like we won't be getting another blizzard on Monday. Guess we'll get to hang out after all!

The first place I go on the web is Facebook. I don't even realize I open it most of the time, it's just ingrained in me. Sometimes I'll even open it out of habit after I just closed it. I may be addicted.

Often times, I'll open Google Chrome to google the answer to some question I'd been thinking about, such as "Why is Kristen Bell with Dax Shepard and not me?" and "How to dry your tears before anyone notices," but before I do that, I end up on Facebook somehow! It's crazy.



  1. You're a really funny guy David! I seem to ask myself those same questions on a daily basis. Any social media account basically takes over your life. I'm more of a Twitter guy myself. If you don't have a twitter account I would create one, its amazing. I like the choice of your gif, I need to learn how to insert them into my blogs. See you monday!

    -Giovanni Flores

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  3. David,

    The tone in your post was palpable and the humor was refreshing and I actually laughed reading it. I also find myself asking google irrelevant questions in my spare time but after Dr. Quinn's quick lesson on how google truly functions i find myself leery to use it as regularly. I really hope you keep up the engaging sarcasm we've all grown to love from online presences, can't wait to read more!

  4. I think Facebook is insidious--now with FB messenger separately downloaded on my phone, I'm bombarded with messages that route me right back into FB. They're brilliant with how deep they can connect users across platforms, too.
    Here's why Dax Shepard wins Kristen Bell:
